
Azure Private Link Part 2, What is Private Link Service and why use it?

In part one of this series on Private Link I talked about the Private Endpoint and how it allowed you to consume PaaS services via a private IP (read more here). Private Link has a second component – Private Link Service that can be used to expose services deployed on your VNET to others who can consume it through their own Private Endpoint. One of the key things that I covered in the previous posts is that Private Endpoints work across subscriptions, Azure AD tenants and will eventually work across regions.

Creating images for Microsoft Azure with Packer

Packer is an open source tool that can be used to define and build custom images in Microsoft Azure. Packer works across multiple platforms and will seamlessly work with Azure Resource Manager (ARM) to create and store custom images in Azure. If you want to create your own custom images in Azure with Packer hopefully this introduction guide will help you make a start with that. At a high level there are 4 steps to capturing an image.